Esta mulher já visitou todos os países do mundo - TVI

Esta mulher já visitou todos os países do mundo

  • HCL
  • 13 dez 2019, 12:31

Ex-consultora da Organização das Nações Unidas demorou dois anos e meio a completar a viagem e cada experiência foi gravada e narrada na sua conta de Instagram

Em outubro de 2019, a norte-americana Jessica Nabongo terminou uma jornada que lhe permitiu visitar todos os países no mundo. A ex-consultora da Organização das Nações Unidas para a Alimentação e Agricultura tem 35 anos e concluiu o seu objetivo de ver com os próprios olhos todos os 193 estados membros da ONU.



give your creativity permission. ⁣⁣ it’s that simple, love. - @nayyirah.waheed ⁣⁣ i have been traveling internationally since i was four. i visited seven countries before i graduated high school, 32 countries before i joined instagram and 60 countries before setting out on this journey. i am now four countries away from being the first documented (physical proof) black woman to visit every country in the world. ⁣⁣don’t wait for anyone to give you permission to live your wildest dreams, give yourself permission then go out and do it! 😆😝 ⁣⁣ this journey has been beautiful and challenging, and frustrating and joyful and lonely and full of new and old friends, lots of laughter, a few tears, a few arguments and lots of hugs. i have had the joy and pleasure of meeting so many beautiful souls around the world and i have learned so much about myself, people and the world we live in. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ most people are good and we are more similar than we are different, don’t ever forget that, even when media wants you to. love your neighbor, ALL OF THEM. we all occupy the same planet, national borders are invisible, so love those neighbors over there too! ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ thanks to my dope friend @iamjamesanthony for this amazing picture. we’ve explored six countries on three continents together so far and he is not only a talented photographer but clearly a dope artist as well!⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ take some time to scroll my feed, go alllllllll the way back! check out my highlights and tell me which adventure from my travels was your favorite?? ⁣ ⁣ 👚 @studiooneeightynine #catchmeintransit #JamesShootsandDraws #JamesShotMe

A post shared by Jessica (🚫Jess) Nabongo 🇺🇬🇺🇸 (@thecatchmeifyoucan) on


A viagem demorou dois anos e meio e cada experiência foi gravada e narrada na sua conta de Instagram,  The Catch Me If You Can (em português, apanha-me se puderes).

No Instagram, podemos ver Jessica, por exemplo, a ultrapassar a fronteira da Coreia do Norte, a dormir numa tenda no Quirguistão ou a atravessar o deserto do Sudão.

No entanto, na ótica de Jessica, as publicações na rede social não têm como objetivo servir de montra a paisagens bucólicas. Em vez disso, a viajante nómada acredita que o Instagram dela deve servir para abrir os olhos à omnipresença do plástico nas ruas, areais e oceanos.




PLASTIC IS DESTROYING THE EARTH!!!⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ This is a picture of me in Nauru. Prior to getting into this water I thought the dark spots were coral or some other underwater wonders to behold. What awaited me were huge piles of plastic bottles. Yup every dark spot in this picture is a pile of plastic bottles. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ I never considered myself to be an environmentalist, and I still don’t. But what I have seen through my travels is that plastic is one of the biggest threats to the planet, animals, our oceans, lakes, rivers and US!! ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Just because you don’t see plastic build up in your area doesn’t mean that your plastic isn’t ending up in the shores of another country. Single-use plastic must be eliminated!! ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ For the next seven days I will be doing a journal of my plastic usage and I would like you to join me!!! Next week let’s reconvene and see how much plastic we are using and find ways to reduce it!! Tag your friends to join us!!! #catchmewithlessplastic #banplastic

A post shared by Jessica (🚫Jess) Nabongo 🇺🇬🇺🇸 (@thecatchmeifyoucan) on



O plástico é uma das maiores ameaças ao planeta, aos animais, aos oceanos, lagos, rios”, escreveu no dia 16 de abril numa publicação em que é vista a mergulhar nas águas translúcidas de Nauru.

Motivada por aquilo que viu, Jessica quer agora usar a influência nas redes sociais para alertar para o “abuso do uso de plástico”.



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